Out of hours emergency veterinary care

Important changes to our out of hours emergency service.

Who provides our emergency service outside of normal opening hours?

In an emergency outside of our normal opening hours; you will be referred to Abingdon Veterinary Emergency Treatment Service (A.V.E.T.S) at Abivale veterinary group’s surgery in Abingdon.

A.V.E.T.S will triage your pet over the phone, and should they need to be seen, your pet will receive a high standard of care from their emergency veterinary team.

If your pet requires on-going treatment and support they will be transferred back to us the following day along with their clinical history/case notes; so we can continue to provide the support and care your pet requires.

In an emergency (outside of normal working hours) please call us on 01235 831800 and you will be given all of the information required to speak to our out of hours emergency service provider.